Between the Right Wing of the West and our Right

On the problems of terrorism classifications and taboos
Abdulrasheed Alfaqih
November 30, 2023

Between the Right Wing of the West and our Right

On the problems of terrorism classifications and taboos
Abdulrasheed Alfaqih
November 30, 2023

Israel, America, and the West in general deal with the extreme right in those societies, like any other component of society. Where they are guaranteed full political, social, economic and factional rights, they are active in attracting their components, preaching and calling for their extremist ideas, running in electoral races, winning at times, ruling in them, implementing their programmes, policies and electoral promises, and losing at other times.

In complete contrast to this, the Western regime requires us to deal with the right-wing of our societies in a completely different way, as its components must be condemned, branded as terrorists, and involved in restricting their freedoms, throwing their members into prisons, torture, abuse, and unjust trials, and eradicating them with violence, fire, and gunpowder, and even abolishing democracy if they comply with its rules and obligations.

Perhaps the most glaring paradox related to the idea of this article, which reveals double standards, is represented by terrorism, as a title. America, Israel, and its successor, the Western system, resort to unilateral, selective, politicized, and malicious definitions and procedures when including entities and individuals on terrorism lists, without the existence of an international agreement within the framework of the United Nations that defines terrorism precisely, and sets clear and precise standards for classification, inclusion, and accountability.

So far, all classifications, designations, and then sanctions are not based on any basis, rather, a situation carefully designed to make the term terrorism vague and subject to political use in various circumstances. That's because the existence of an accurate and clear legal and conceptual framework necessarily requires that classification, listing and accounting processes be based on precise concepts, definitions and standards. This means that these operations include everyone involved in “terrorism,” whether opponents of the Western regime or its allies, whether the classification, inclusion, and accountability processes are based on perceptions, ideas, positions, beliefs, and statements.

There is enough in the perceptions, ideas, positions, beliefs, and statements of the right-wing of America, Israel, and the West that they would top the “terrorism lists,” if the classification, listing, and accountability processes were based on practices and actions. 

There is also enough in the practices and actions of the right-wing of America, Israel, and the West that they rank at the top of “terrorism lists.”

The totality of the experiences and transformations that we have experienced over the past years are sufficient to mature our perceptions and insights, left, center and right, regarding the realities of the inherent political, intellectual, social, cultural, sectarian and ethnic diversity in our societies, like all other societies and nations.

Due to the fact that diversity, difference and competition are strengths for any society and nation, and to realize the urgent necessity of working diligently and with insight in order to reach a mature and comprehensive settlement that is responsible for establishing effective frameworks for managing diversity in our societies and ensuring coexistence. The mechanisms of competition between the various diverse and disparate political, intellectual and cultural currents, the limits of that competition, its rules, cycles, paths and governance, and the measures for our collective and voluntary abandonment of all tendencies to eradicate, subjugate and impose one vision and one color.

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