Aggravation of women, singing and public events

about the heavily armed jurisprudential convictions and deification
Abdulrasheed Alfaqih
August 1, 2021

Aggravation of women, singing and public events

about the heavily armed jurisprudential convictions and deification
Abdulrasheed Alfaqih
August 1, 2021

It is inappropriate to continue guarding the sins committed against people in violation of the law on the ground of the hollow saying “individual errors”; Any authority that respects itself and value its people bears responsibility for the behavior of its officials and confronts their mistakes by constantly monitoring their behavior during their service, and by holding them accountable when they commit any mistake. This can be achieved by taking the initiative to create real guarantees that prevent the recurrence of those breaches, and then revealing to the public to inform them about all the steps and measures taken constantly in the face of those violations.

In fact, attacks on people’s weddings, public occasions and limiting their personal freedoms as well as other absurd and clumsy practices are not individual mistakes. Rather, these intimidations show the ugly face of the de facto authority in Sana’a and its responsibility and duty as long as it remains unchecked and without clear positions that emphasize the contents and determinants of people’s rights and freedoms guaranteed by law and constitution. It is a requirement of normal instinct, and as long as this authority does not control its behavior and discourse with those contents and limitations. 

The Houthi authority may imagine that remaining in a gray area regarding the incidents of attacks on public freedoms, which are carried out according to extremist moods that inherited the discourse and practices of the “Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice” would absolve it of responsibility for the disastrous effects of these practices.

Perhaps the authority believes that entrusting it with the task of exporting the libel of individual practices to its followers and leaders after each incident of aggression will be sufficient to distract from the group’s responsibility for all efforts to reprogram people’s lives according to comprehensive ideological perceptions.

 It may happen that a group or component embraces it under some circumstance, but it is impossible to forcibly reprogram an entire society on certain ideologies under any circumstance, and this is a matter of fact proven by the human accumulation of societies all over the earth. 

Over the past period, incidents of armed attacks on public freedoms have been repeated in Sana'a and other governorates under the control of the Houthis on various occasions such as university graduation ceremonies and weddings. Many written directives were observed in a number of institutions and facilities, most of which revolve around preventing singing and restricting women's freedom and abuse against their dress. presence in the public places;

The campaigns to suppress freedoms were accompanied by uncontrolled religious Friday speeches targeting and inciting women and feeding on the same extremist ideological and jurisprudential content, in parallel with a number of famous raids on a number of markets targeting posters, models and women products.

The frequency of these incidents at different times and places and on different occasions provides an intense model for the picture of the functional deviation that afflicted the control agencies and their officials under the control of the Houthis. It is really painful that a security or military force encounters a university graduation party, or a wedding party, based on a fatwa clipping, or a recording of a Friday speech. The simplest manifestations of theocratic authority, to which Yemen is intended to be mortgaged; to keep it subject to retardation and death.

In light of these practices, people are stuck in a state of uncertainty about the extent to which the dominating jurisprudential moods of the various authorities can reach, how do they hold their parties and events without guarantees that prevent assaults to spoil them? How do they go to cafes and restaurants in light of the dangers of undermining their dignity? Like burning the threads of women's coats and destroying modeling dolls, a series of dark comedy scenes unfolded in a short time, with unimaginable practices to the most pessimistic, bizarre, and humorous fantasies.

Tracing the impact of one incident that affects the pleasures of life and joy that people struggle to create in the midst of war is enough to realize its danger in undermining their faith in the opportunities for coexistence in this country in light of all this tampering with the lines and elements of human and national commonalities that cross frameworks and narrow visions.

In scrutinizing the behavior of the authorities and their imbalances, the way they deal with what appears to be the simplest roles is an indication of the state of irrationality.

In the same context, the religious groups, including the Houthis, instead of hiding behind the excuse of "individual mistakes", it has become necessary for them to open a discussion on many issues, foremost of which are public rights and freedoms, women and the various arts. Realizing that the convictions and perceptions of groups, regardless of their position, should be through preaching, persuasion and evangelization by their own means, not coercion and imposition by means of the state and society, which are supposed to be governed by the provisions of the law. On this, the duty to treat the dilemma of adhesion between the literature and conclusions of the jurisprudential and ideological group, its tools and means, and the public institutions that have come under its control and through which it manages people and controls their affairs.

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